About Us

Evalu+ is a solution to a growing problem.

The growing problem

For decades, organizations have been relying on robust, well-structured, well-oiled evaluation processes to measure their level of compliance, operational maturity, excellence and performance, anchored on relatively stable evaluation repositories.

Such traditional evaluations processes are now becoming increasingly ill-suited in an era characterized by “VUCA” (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity). At their heart, they essentially lack the necessary agility imposed by this new era, forcing to constantly adjust the evaluation criteria and to increasingly differentiate these criteria between various part of the organization to reflect their true level of criticality. Increasingly cumbersome and costly to manage and leverage, these “old”, “one-size-fits-all” evaluation processes are sometimes even perceived as a straightjacket that prevent organizations from adapting to changes quickly enough.

More generally, although the need for evaluation has never been greater, the time and money dedicated to evaluations has been under pressure everywhere.

The solution

Meet Evalu+! Designed and developed by a group of evaluation experts, the Evalu+ solution puts agility, flexibility and flexibility at its core through an innovative “3D” evaluation framework, which allows it to deliver levels of evaluation accuracy, insight, speed and cost effectiveness is simply unparalleled.

To convince you of the above, we are offering you a one-month free trial of the full application, though which you will be able to experiment the power of “3D Evaluations” by yourself. We trust that you will not look back to the 2D evaluation world after this experience.

Evalu+ business model

Evalu+ business model is simple: our focus is to constantly optimize the Evalu+ application, while relying on business partners to promote and sell it around the world. We also offer the possibility to subject matter experts of any area to sell their own repositories embedded in the Evalu+ application through our web site, thus opening a new stream of revenue.

Our business network is expanding fast and offers many opportunities. For further information please refer to our partner section.

For any further inquiry, please contact us at contact@evaluplus.com.