
Privacy and Cookies Policy

1. Introduction

This Privacy Policy applies to all the products, services, websites and apps offered by Evalu+, except where otherwise noted. We refer to those products, services, websites and apps collectively as the “services” in this policy.

References to “data” in this Privacy Policy will refer to whatever data inserted on a site hosted by us. Reference to personal information or just information, means information about you personally that we collect.

2. Information we collect

2.1 Who are “you”?

We refer to “you” a lot in this Privacy Policy. To better understand what information is most relevant to you, see the following useful definitions.

Website Visitor

You are just visiting our website without registering.

Registered user

You have elected to register on our website, thus getting access to additional parts of the site, including the ecommerce workflow.

2.2 Information we collect about you.

  • Contact Information (for example an email address).
    You might provide us with your contact information, whether through use of our services, a form on our website, or an interaction with our sales or customer support team.
  • Usage information.
    We collect usage information about you whenever you interact with our website and services. This includes which webpages you visit, what you click on, when you perform those actions, and so on.
  • If you are a Registered User we will also collect:

Account Information

  • Registration information.
    You need an Evalu+ account to access several part of our website, including the ability to request a free trial and to make an online payment. When you register for an account, we collect your first and last name, username, country, company, password and email address.
  • Billing information.
    If you make a payment to Evalu+, we require you to provide your billing details, a name, address, email address and financial information corresponding to your selected method of payment (e.g. a credit card number and expiration date or a bank account number).

3. How we use the information we collect

  • 1 Registered users
  • We process personal data about you either with your consent or in order to:
    • Fulfill our contractual responsibility to deliver the services to you;
    • To pursue Evalu+’s legitimate interests of:
      • improving service experience; and
      • developing new products and service features.

In each of the instances where we describe how we use your data in this privacy policy, we have identified which of these grounds for processing we are relying upon.

You have consented to us using certain types of cookies on our websites. In particular we use:

We process your personal information in the following categories of data for legitimate interests pursued by us, which are described in detail in this privacy policy. We have undertaken to ensure that we place clear limitations on each of these uses so that your privacy is respected and only the information necessary to achieve these legitimate aims is used. Our primary goal is to improve upon and make sure our services and messaging are relevant for all our users, while also ensuring that personal information of all users is respected and protected.

  • Contact Information.

We use contact information to respond to your inquiries, send you information as part of the services, and send you marketing information Referral information.

We use referral information to track the success of our integrations and referral processes.

  • Legal uses.

To respond to legal requests or prevent fraud, we may need to use and disclose information or data we hold about you. If we receive a subpoena or other legal request, we may need to inspect the data we hold to determine how to respond.

We collect and use the following data on the basis that we have to use this information in order to fulfill our contract with you:

  • Your Account Information.

We need to use your account data to run your account, provide you with products and services, bill you for our products and services, provide you with customer support, and contact you about your service or account. We occasionally send you communications of a transactional nature (e.g. service-related announcements, billing-related matters, changes to our services or policies, a welcome email when you first register). You cannot opt out of these communications since they are required to provide our services to you.

  • Your Profile.

We process other aspects of your account information (like the personal information you provide about your company and your country) for legitimate interests like providing you with a personalized experience and relevant and useful marketing information as well as to make other product, feature and service recommendations to you to optimize your use of the services we offer.

You can object to us using your data as described above but our ability to fully and properly provide our services to you may be impacted if you do not want us to collect or use the above data.

  • 2 Visitors

We process personal data about you where:

  • You have consented or;
  • Evalu+ has legitimate interests of:
    • improving service experience; and
    • developing new products and service features.

In each of the instances where we describe how we use your data in this privacy policy, we have identified which of these grounds for processing we are relying upon.

When you have consented we collect and use the following information about you:

  • Contact Information.

We use contact information to respond to your inquiries, send you information as part of the services, and send you marketing information.


We provide your email address to a member of our sales team who will contact you if you submitted an inquiry through one of the online forms on our site.

How you use our services.

We use information about how you have interacted with our websites to improve our website services for you and all users. Some examples relevant to you:


We collect information about the webpages you have visited and your activity on our sites. We collect this information so that we can track the most visited and most useful parts of our website to identify what are our most popular sections.

We process your personal information in the following categories of data for legitimate interests pursued by us, which are described in detail in this privacy policy. We have undertaken to ensure that we place clear limitations on each of these uses so that your privacy is respected and only the information necessary to achieve these legitimate aims is used. Our primary goal is to improve upon and make sure our services and messaging are relevant for all our users, while also ensuring that personal information of all users is respected and protected.

  • Log data.

We use log data for many different business purposes to include:

  • To monitor abuse and troubleshoot.
  • To track your preferences and create new services, features, content or make recommendations personalized for you.
  • To track behavior at the aggregate/anonymous level to identify and understand trends in the various interactions with our services.
  • To fix bugs and troubleshoot product functionality.


Your browser type to determine how we can present our website best within that browser environment.

  • Legal uses.

To respond to legal requests or prevent fraud, we may need to disclose any information or data we hold about you. If we receive a subpoena or other legal request, we may need to inspect the data we hold to determine how to respond.

4. Information we share: Partners and Integrations

We do not share your information or data with third parties outside Evalu+ except in the following limited circumstances:

  • To help us provide certain aspects of our services we use our affiliates and trusted key partners – in particular, we engage third parties to:
    • facilitate customers in making credit card payments.
    • help us track website metrics.
    • manage our sales and customer support services to you.

5. Cookies

We and our partners use cookies and similar technologies on our website, based on the Cookies Policy detailed below.

5.1 Cookies policy

5.1.1. What is a Cookie?

Cookies are small bits of data we store on the device (computer, mobile phone, tablet or any other mobile device) that you use to access The Evalu+ website, so we can recognize repeat users. Each cookie expires after a certain period of time depending on what we use it for. Like most commercial websites we use cookies on Evalu+ web pages. We use cookies for several reasons. Below we list and describe the various types of cookies we use on our site.

By using Evalu+ website, you expressly consent to the use of cookies as described on this Policy. Please see below for details on each of the types of cookies we use.

5.1.2. What Cookies Do We Use?

Below we list the different types of cookies that may be used on the Site.

The Site uses 1st party cookies (which are set by the Sites being visited).

5.1.3. Required or Essential Cookies

(Examples: BIPS or login session cookies)

Certain cookies are necessary in order for the Sites to operate correctly. For example, we use cookies to authenticate you. When you log on to our websites, authentication cookies are set which let us know who you are during a browsing session.

5.1.4. Functionality Cookies

(Example: language setting cookies)

These cookies are used to enable certain additional functionality on our websites, such as storing your preferences (e.g. username and language selection) and preventing users from taking the same survey multiple times. This functionality improves user experience.

5.1.5 Preference Cookies

(Example: RTP Cookies – customizing content)

Preference cookies collect information about your choices and preferences, and allow us to remember language or other local settings and customize the Sites accordingly.

5.1.6. Social Media Cookies

(Example: Facebook/Google Plus using social media for behavioural advertising, analytics, advertising and market research)

Social media cookies collect information about social media usage.

5.1.7. Analytics Cookies

(Example of third party cookie: Optimizely/Google Analytics)

Analytics cookies collect information about your use of the Site, and enable us to improve the way it works. For example, analytics cookies show us which are the most frequently visited pages on the Site, help us record any difficulties you have with the Site, and show us whether our advertising is effective or not. This allows us to see the overall patterns of usage on the Site, rather than the usage of a single person. We use the information to analyse the Site’s traffic.

5.1.8. Targeting or advertising cookies

(Example of third party using targeting cookies: AdRoll/Google Analytics)

We may use cookies to market EvaluPlus products and services to you on third party websites. For example, if you visit our website, you may then see an advertisement for Evalu+ products and services on certain third-party websites you visit in the future. Information about this is described under the paragraph in our Privacy Policy which is entitled “We may disclose the presence of a cookie to advertise our services.”

5.1.9. How Do I Manage Cookies?

If you’d like to remove or disable cookies via your browser, you certainly can. You’ll want to refer to your browser’s configuration documentation to do this since the steps for doing so are usually browser-specific. One important note is that if you do go this route, this might adversely impact your ability to use our services effectively. Enabling cookies ensures a smoother experience when you use our site.

To learn more about how to disable cookies you can refer to this link:



5.2 Addition comments on cookies

As described in our Cookies Policy, we use certain cookies that you agree to when you use our sites and, in the case of some cookies, for legitimate interests of delivering and optimizing our services (where the cookie delivers essential functionality). Cookies are small bits of data we store on the device you use to access our services so we can recognize repeat users. Each cookie expires after a certain period of time, depending on what we use it for. We use cookies and similar technologies for several reasons:

  • To make our site easier to use.
    Registered users if you use the “Remember me” feature when you sign into your account, we store your username in a cookie to make it quicker for you to sign in whenever you return to Evalu+.
  • For security reasons.
    We use cookies to authenticate your identity and confirm whether you are currently logged into Evalu+ or determine if an incident impacts you.
  • To provide you with personalized content.
    We store user preferences, your default language, device and browser information, your profile information which includes, the level of usage of service and the web-pages on our site which you visit, so we can personalize the content you see.
  • To improve our services.
    We use cookies to measure your usage of our websites and track referral data, as well as to occasionally display different versions of content to you. This information helps us to develop and improve our services (it helps us focus on the parts of the service you seem most interested in) and optimize the content we display to you (which may include marketing content).
  • Google Analytics.
    In addition to the above, we have implemented on our websites and other services certain Google Analytics features that support Display Advertising, including re-targeting. Visitors to our websites may opt out of certain types of Google Analytics tracking, customize the Google Display Network ads by using the Google Ad Preferences Manager and learn more about how Google serves ads by viewing its Customer Ads Help Center. If you do not wish to participate in Google Analytics, you may also download the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on.

You can choose to remove or disable cookies via your browser settings.

6. Data Retention

If you hold an account with Evalu+ we do not delete the data in your account – you are responsible for and control the time periods for which you retain this data. There are controls in your account where you can delete data at the account level (all data in your account) and at the response level.

7. Safety of Minors

Our services are not intended for and may not be used by minors. “Minors” are individuals under the age of 13 (or under a higher age if permitted by the laws of their residence). Evalu+ does not knowingly collect personal data from Minors or allow them to register. If it comes to our attention that we have collected personal data from a Minor, we may delete this information without notice. If you have reason to believe that this has occurred, please contact customer support.

8. Changes to our privacy policy

We can make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will identify the changes we have made on this page. In circumstances where a change will materially change the way in which we collect or use your personal information or data, we will send a notice of this change to all of our account holders.

10. Your rights

Some of you have certain legal rights to obtain information about whether we hold personal information about them, to access personal information we hold about them, and to obtain its correction, update, amendment or deletion in appropriate circumstances. Some of these rights may be subject to some exceptions or limitations. We will respond to your request to exercise these rights within a reasonable time (and in all cases within 30 days of receiving a request).

Rights which you are entitled to are:

  • Data access rights
  • Right to restrict processing
  • Right of Rectification
  • Right to Erasure (Right to be Forgotten)
  • Right to object to processing
  • Right to withdraw consent; and
  • Data portability rights