3D Evaluation – Execute

The launch of the evaluation process is triggered by the generation of questionnaires, using the eponymous feature. You will be presented with a list of all questionnaires that should be generated based on the linkages made between evaluation criteria, units and evaluators (one questionnaire for each evaluator / unit pair that has at least one criterion assigned).
No, you have the ability to generate the questionnaires at different dates. That can prove useful when you are ready to launch the evaluation for certain units but not others (because of a management change or a recent acquisition for instance)
Yes you can. You will just need to provide clear instructions to the evaluators if they have already received the questionnaire.
Evaluators can be either notified by an automated email as soon as the questionnaire is generated or you can decide to inform them by writing and sending the email yourself.
No, the evaluators only see the criterion and the associated best practice or desired state. Not sharing the weighting with evaluators prevents from creating a potential bias in the responses.
No, the evaluators only see the criteria that have been assigned to them. They have no visibility on the other criteria.
If multiple languages were activated when the program was created, then the questionnaires will be proposed in every activated language. When opening the questionnaire, the first thing the evaluator will need to do is to choose the language.
The evaluator can either contact the Evaluation Manager or simply pick the "Request for clarification" answer, which is expected to trigger a contact from the Evaluation Manager once s/he will start reviewing the responses.
The evaluator should select the "Not Applicable" answer. When reviewing the responses, the Evaluation Manager should review such occurrences, as they were not supposed to take place if the allocation of criteria to units was properly allocated.
Evaluators submit their responses online by directly from the questionnaire. They will only be able to do so if all evaluation criteria have been answered.
Individual reviews allow the Evaluation Manager to review the evaluators' answers, with ability to edit them before consolidating them.
You should conduct an individual review shortly after receiving a evaluator's answers. First look at the summary table and the graphical view to get a global perspective, then start by reviewing the "Request for Clarification" and "Not Applicable" responses, then the responses one by one to check for consistency. If necessary, contact the evaluator to jointly review and possibly adjust certain scores, comments and/or action plan completion date.
You first need to use the "Switch to consolidation mode" feature. When you do so, it will concurrently make it possible to start consolidating individual responses (to subsquently aggregate and compare them) and prevent you from generating additional questionnaires. Once activated, you will be able to consolidate the reviewed answers one by one.
The consolidation logic takes into account the following variables to calculate the score of individual criteria, sub-sections, sections and an overal score for every unit: 1) Scores given to each evaluation criteria ; 2) Weighting allocated to each evaluation criterion in each unit ; 3) coefficient to aggregate "child" units into their "parent" units. In case there is more than one score for the same criterion / unit pair, the score used in the consolidation process is the arithmetic average of the individula scores.