Evalu+ is a new solution through which you can set objectives, then measure and monitor progresses towards them across your organization, with a level of flexibility, agility, speed, depth, consistency, accuracy, insight and efficiency that you have never experienced before.

The unique power of Evalu+ stems from an innovative “3D” evaluation framework that formally connects evaluation criteria with evaluation units and evaluators, which is fully embedded in an integrated evaluation workflow structured around 4 main steps:

Leveraging the unique capabilities of Evalu+, you can for instance:

  • Base the workflow on any evaluation repository (it just takes a couple of mouse clicks).
  • Engage and align your stakeholders (line managers, corporate managers, subject matter experts, etc.) through the collaborative definition/review of evaluation criteria, both at the corporate and unit level.
  • Disseminate knowledge and maximize buy-in of your repository throughout your organization, by linking its evaluation criteria to relevant content (e.g. course, procedure, workflow, guideline, checklist, etc.).
  • Define your evaluation units (e.g. corporate HQs, business units, regions, administrative hubs, stores, distribution centers, production plants, subcontractors, suppliers, etc.) and the aggregation logic tying these units through an “evaluation tree”.
  • Differentiate your objectives and evaluation logic by unit.
  • Easily manage evaluations across multiple sites.
  • Easily verify the consistency of evaluations.
  • Appraise the improvement/inertia ratio of each unit.
  • Easily identify and address improvement opportunities and priorities. through multidimensional analyses, inside and across units.
  • Easily adjust your evaluation framework at any time to reflect changes in your company ecosystem (e.g. new objectives, new evaluation units, new evaluators, etc.).

The Evalu+ application is extremely intuitive and user-friendly. It should take you just a few hours to master its many features and start reaping your first benefits.

The nature of Evalu+ business benefits depends on its type of usage:

  • When used purely as an evaluation tool, Evalu+ sharply reduces the duration and cost of your evaluation process (in most cases by up to 80%!), while significantly increasing the accuracy and insight of its outcome. This is true for any type of evaluation, for instance internal audits, M&A and corporate financing due diligences, supplier qualifications, etc.
  • When used in the context of organization-wide compliance, excellence and competitiveness programs (e.g. ISO, OSHA, operational excellence, sustainable development excellence, Industry 4.0, etc.), Evalu+ not only increases the quality and productivity of the associated evaluations, but also infuses into these programs unparalleled flexibility, agility and scalability, allowing them to address a globally coherent yet locally differentiated set of objectives, which can easily be adjusted by editing “3D” evaluation framework components (evaluation criteria, evaluation units, evaluators and the connections between these elements). In such contexts, Evalu+ also acts as a powerful change management weapon, greatly facilitating stakeholder commitment as well as targeted knowledge dissemination. As a result, objectives are better defined, more coherent, more suited, achieved faster, in a more robust fashion, and at a much lower cost, all of which eventually translates into a lasting increase in operational performance.  Please refer to the Applications section for further details on these structural benefits.

To discover more about the power of Evalu+, we suggest you to first watch the overview video above, then the workflow video below, then browse through the other resources available in the web site, in particular the Applications and Video Tutorials sections under the “Solution” menu.

Getting started

Irrespective of your type and size of organization, Evalu+ is poised to bring you major benefits. As the saying goes, “the proof of the pudding is in the eating”, therefore we recommend you to request a free trial, so that you can experiment by yourself how this innovating application will help you reach new operational performance heights sustainably, no matter how unstable your environment.